Your feedback is precious as it allows us to improve the quality of our services.
Complaints may be made regarding the accessibility, delivery, and quality of services received. In all cases, they are treated confidentially and are reported and accounted for.
Step 1 : If you wish to make a complaint we suggest that you first make your dissatisfaction known to the director or person responsible for the legal aid office in question. If you have not received satisfaction, you can send your complaint to the Corporate Secretary, Gilles Trudeau
Step 2 : If you are not satisfied, please print and send this form
Me Gilles Trudeau
Corporate Secretary Centre communautaire juridique de Montréal
425, boul. de Maisonneuve Ouest, Bureau 600
Montréal (Québec) H3A 3K5
Your complaint must be detailed. First of all, the compliant must contain your name and address. Your complaint must also contain the name of the person or the situation that motivates your complaint.
In the next 15 days following reception of your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt indicating the name and coordinates of the person dealing with your complaint. In the 30 days following reception of your complaint, we will inform you of the state of your file and any decision that has been made.
If your complaint deals with decisions relative to the application of the Law and Regulations, we suggest that you make a review application to the Review Committee.
Decisions related to the application of the law include: